All of the Airlines Stink...From Delta to British Airways to American to United to everyone else...THEY STINK. This is a World Forum on Why these Airlines Stink.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Today's airline that Sucks:
Delta Cuts Pillows, Hands Passengers Peanuts and Nothing More
This is Simon Lazarus, American patriot, speaking. I hate liberals. No, I really hate them. They are turning this country - and this world - into a pile of shit! There is not a terrorist they do not sympathize with, there is not a perverted cause they do not fight for, there is no tax they will not push for, there is not a rude comment they will hesitate to make without thinking twice about its impact or the rank hypocrisy behind it. And the media, larded down with liberals, gives them a platform for their sick views! Enough of liberals! They are ruining America for the rest of us!
They sicken me, every one of them.
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